After understanding how the spatial null model algorithms work
), let’s see how to create
multiple null models and test for the effect size using
Standardized effect size (SES) is a measure of the magnitude of the studied effect. It indicates the direction and the degree that the effect departures from the null model. SESraster uses Cohen’s d (Cohen 1988), which is measured as the difference between the observed pattern and the average of n randomized observations divided by the standard deviation of the randomized observations SES = (Obs − mean(Null))/sd(Null).
First, we will create some random species distributions using the
package terra
#> This is SESraster 0.7.1
#> If you use SESraster, please cite in your publications. See:
#> citation("SESraster")
#> terra 1.8.21
# creating random species distributions
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)
r <- rast(lapply(1:18,
function(i, r, mn, mx){
app(r, function(x, t){
sapply(x, function(x, t){
x<max(t) & x>min(t)
}, t = t)
}, t = sample(seq(mn, mx), 2))
}, r = r, mn = minmax(r)[1]+10, mx = minmax(r)[2]-10))
names(r) <- paste("sp", 1:nlyr(r))
With the distributions in hand, we can perform the spatial randomizations.
First we need a function that computes the desired metric. The function must work with spatial data. Just to exemplify, we are creating a function to compute the mean of presences and absences (1/0) within each cell. You probably wants to use a more ecologically meaningful function, but here is just an example of use.
Now, to compute SES, we will compute our desired metric by sending
our function appmean()
to SESraster()
argument. We also randomize the original data by
using the bootspat_naive()
and passing the argument random="species"
ses.sp <- SESraster(r, FUN = appmean,
spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args = list(random = "species"),
aleats = 5)
Compute metric and SES using bootspat_naive()
randomize by site
changing the argument to
in spat_alg_args
. <- SESraster(r, FUN = appmean,
spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args = list(random = "site"),
aleats = 5)
It is also possible to send arguments to the function that calculates
the desired metric (FUN
). It can be done by sending a list
of arguments through FUN_args
## let's create some missing values for layer/species 1
r2 <- r
cellsNA <- terra::spatSample(r2, 30, na.rm = TRUE, cells = TRUE, values = FALSE)
r2[cellsNA][1] <- NA
# plot(r)
sesNA <- SESraster(r2, FUN = appmean, FUN_args = list(na.rm = FALSE),
spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args=list(random = "species"),
aleats = 5)
#> Observed.mean Null_Mean.mean Null_SD.mean SES.mean p_lower.mean p_upper.mean
#> 1 NA NA NA NA 0 0
#> 2 NA NA NA NA 0 0
#> 3 NA NA NA NA 0 0
#> 4 NA NA NA NA 0 0
#> 5 NA NA NA NA 0 0
#> 6 NA NA NA NA 0 0
Notice that NAs can be ignored by the appmean()
by using FUN_args = list(na.rm = TRUE)
ses.woNA <- SESraster(r2, FUN = appmean, FUN_args = list(na.rm = TRUE),
spat_alg = "bootspat_naive", spat_alg_args=list(random = "species"),
aleats = 5)
#> Observed.mean Null_Mean.mean Null_SD.mean SES.mean p_lower.mean
#> 1 0.11764706 0.3882353 0.08921030 -3.0331502 1.0
#> 2 0.41176471 0.3882353 0.08921030 0.2637522 0.2
#> 3 0.41176471 0.4117647 0.09300817 0.0000000 0.4
#> 4 0.05882353 0.3647059 0.07669650 -3.9882179 1.0
#> 5 0.35294118 0.4000000 0.07669650 -0.6135720 0.6
#> 6 0.52941176 0.4941176 0.08921030 0.3956283 0.2
#> p_upper.mean
#> 1 0.0
#> 2 0.6
#> 3 0.4
#> 4 0.0
#> 5 0.2
#> 6 0.4
In addition to the spatial randomizations, it is possible to create a
null model by randomizing a parameter (i.e. argument) of the metric
passed to FUN. This is useful, for example, to randomize a species trait
(e.g. branch length) that is used to compute the metric. In the example
below the function appsv()
uses the argument
to compute the fictional metric. We also create some
fictional values for the trait.
## example with `Fa_alg`
appsv <- function(x, lyrv, na.rm = FALSE, ...){
sumw <- function(x, lyrv, na.rm, ...){
ifelse(all(, NA,
sum(x*lyrv, na.rm=na.rm, ...))
stats::setNames(terra::app(x, sumw, lyrv = lyrv, na.rm=na.rm, ...), "sumw")
trait <- sample(100:2000, nlyr(r))
#> [1] 590 1772 1453 467 1583 538 1707 1561 1546 1634 1846 443 1394 242 1037
#> [16] 1578 1998 1029
In this exapmle, no spatial randomization will be performed, only
trait randomization. To select the trait to be randomized, pick
the desired argument of FUN_args
and the name of the desired argument (here
“lyrv”). Then select a function, here “sample” is used. It is also
possible to send arguments to the function in Fa_alg
through Fa_alg_args
. It works in the same way that
arguments are sent to FUN
and spat_alg
and spat_alg_args
In this first
example it is performed a trait sampling without
ses <- SESraster(r, FUN = appsv,
FUN_args = list(lyrv = trait, na.rm = TRUE),
Fa_sample = "lyrv",
Fa_alg = "sample", Fa_alg_args = list(replace = FALSE),
aleats = 5)
In this second example it is performed a trait sampling
with replacement by passing replace = TRUE
through Fa_alg_args
ses <- SESraster(r, FUN = appsv,
FUN_args = list(lyrv = trait, na.rm = TRUE),
Fa_sample = "lyrv",
Fa_alg = "sample", Fa_alg_args = list(replace = TRUE),
aleats = 5)
The SESraster
R package aims to simplify the
randomization of raster data and the calculation of standardized effect
sizes for spatial data. We hope it is useful to analize the vast amount
of raster data generated for the analysis of biogeographycal and
macroecological patterns.